Friday, March 26, 2010

Dear Mr. Pritchett, don't quit your day job.

Oh wait, too late....

Mr. Lou Pritchett ( is the former VP of Sales and Customer Development for Procter and Gamble, and, in his retirement, goes around giving feel-good speeches to other wanna-be self-made captains of industry. His latest claim to fame is a close-minded open letter to the president, in which he tells Mr. Obama why he's scared of him (apparently, you can disguise racism in all kinds of ways.) This letter is circumnavigating the internet via email forwards; perhaps you've already received it (if not, I'm sure the auspicious day is not far off.) Rather than offering any specific problems and solutions, this letter simply rewrites the rhetoric of so many tea-baggers - sorry - tea-partiers and 'fair and balanced' news personalities. If you'd like to read the letter, it's right here:

Now, keep in mind that Mr. Pritchett has no military, volunteer, non-profit, or other humanitarian/cultural experience worth noting on his site (there are two more sites about him, and each say - and omit - the same exact things: and Mr. Pritchett sure has some swell ideas about how to improve a company, but none on how to improve a nation (whose woes, in case you need reminding, were an accumulation of at least the administration of past eight years...) However, that apparently does not matter, and Mr. Pritchett feels that his experience exclusively in the private sector makes him qualified to judge the effectiveness of a political figure who has been in office less than half a term.

The following are a series of rebuttals to his rant:
(this one is my favorite),-you-scare-me

These letters have said many things better than I could have, but, in short, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Mr. Pritchett is scared of 'the government' killing the 'goose that lays the golden egg:' remember that the American worker is the goose and people like Mr. Pritchett are the ones who horde the gold. Mr. Pritchett is scared of replacing our health care system with one that is government-controlled: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were once government controlled, and look what happened once the government released the reins. Mr. Pritchett claims Mr. Obama has not spent his formative years in this country: did I miss something? Since when were Hawai'i, California, New York, and Massachusetts *not* a part of this country? Mr. Pritchett whines that the press gives the president a 'free pass' and that the president 'demonizes' the good people of fox news: when last i checked, a) fox news was part of the media, and b) they most certainly do not give the president a 'free pass.' Finally, Mr. Pritchett claims he is scared that he will not be able to write a letter like this if Obama is elected to a second term, but I guarantee that his fear is purely fiscal (thanks to Obama's decision *not* to renew the Bush tax cuts.) I'm sure he will not be the victim of spray-painted racial epitaphs, broken windows, or angry mobs around his home.

Finally, Mr. Pritchett says that all that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing, but he's forgotten one thing: lies and propaganda work just as well.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ahhh... fall....

it's not because my birthday is in october, it's not because the tourists (or, at least, most of them) *finally* go home, but fall is easily my favorite season for the following reasons: the clear, cool air, the smells of leaves and pine needles in the sun, the colors, and the chance to wear my favorite sweaters (i'm definitely a "fall dresser" - preferring jeans and sweaters to shorts and tank tops.)

even if i wasn't in a job whose busy season consisted of the summer months, there's a palpable 'sigh' heard through the air when fall officially arrives. i feel more relaxed, more likely to take advantage of my long-overdue 'mental health' days, and indulge in longer walks in the woods. hope may 'spring' eternal, but i feel more renewed than ever once october comes around.

with this new found energy, i feel moved to bake. a *lot*. sometimes my ambition overcomes reality (which wouldn't be a problem if there were 8 more hours in the day.) however, i discovered this recipe for baked apples while browsing online. it's relatively quick and easy, and definitely appropriate for cool (or even rainy) fall days:

it's an interesting twist on the traditional baked apple (i *love* the idea of roquefort cheese and cranberries!) i'm planning to make this for thanksgiving (with my own twist) and will post an update on my success (or failure...)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

why i should never go on vacation...

everyone - from school teachers to dental hygienists to receptionists - knows what it’s like to plan a vacation, then prep for vacation (prep your workspace, office mates, boss…) then go on vacation, only to come back and find your desk piled high with files and sticky notes and pending items. you *knew* it was going to look like this when you got back. it makes you wonder why you even bothered to go on vacation in the first place. wouldn't it be better to just stay at work so that you can maintain the fragile balance of in and out box, emails, phone calls, and meetings?

i am now coming to the end of day two in the quest to find the surface of my desk (buried under sticky notes, emails, files that were taken out and not put back, requests, checks, misfiled deposit slips…) when i come into the office in the morning, it’s always with a mild feeling of dread as i anticipate the disaster that is my desk (no one will ever believe me that it once was spotless.) knowing that i have to slowly slosh my way through edits, requests, print jobs, bookkeeping, etc., makes me want to get back in my car and extend my vacation indefinitely (my bags remain unpacked, this wouldn’t be hard to do.) i know that there’s a theory about completing small tasks on the way towards achieving the larger goal, but just contemplating the small tasks makes me want to avoid them altogether.

someone once gave me some work-place advice which i've used as a mantra, no matter what i'm doing: make yourself invaluable. well, i guess if ever you want to know the level of your invaluableness, go away for a week and see how long it takes the office to descend into madness (when i returned to the office, not only was there no toner in the copier, there was no paper. c’mon kids….)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

my two-cents on economic apocalypse

first of all, let me remind the class that the word 'apocalypse' is from the greek word that translates to "lifting of the veil" or "revelation." as we've come to use the term today, it also means the mother of all conflicts, discord, the ultimate battle between good and evil, god and the devil, etc. etc. let me, therefore, try and marry the two, and say that we are indeed in a sort of econimic apocalypse; the tumultuous meltdown that is occuring, and the revelation which will occur when it is all over.

the cause of the current apocalyspe is three-fold:

1. this nation is hindered by its refusal to let go of the ‘fearless pioneer,’ ‘john wayne cowboy,’ ‘self-made-man’ image which began with the founding fathers and flourished under the government-sanctioned ‘manifest destiny’ movement: the idea that anyone can come from nothing and rise to greater-than-great success, and that it is our god-given right (nay, *duty*) to push farther and possess more (land, cattle, whatever.)

2. this nation was founded on, and continues to be driven by, commercialism. the founding fathers were *all* businessmen who, in the interest of profit, wanted to eliminate british restrictions. the boston tea party wasn’t about freedom, it was about taxes and the desire not to pay them (hence, retaining more money for oneself and/or one’s business.) i realize that’s a pretty cold way to look at history, but there you are.

3. this society rewards the sociopath (or psychopath, or the more politically-correct ‘antisocial personality disorder-affected individual’.) those people who can rise to ‘riches, fame and glory’ above and beyond the norm are given celebrity status, news media buzz, and almost god-like reverence. the problem is how these people get to their positions. for some pretty good details of a sociopath, check these sites: - OR -

once upon a time, in pre-wwII america, success meant having a home of one’s own, a good job with benefits, food on the table, and a car. that was ‘enough.’ but if people are satisfied with ‘enough,’ then companies who rely on a steady stream of production to make a profit will suffer (if people are satisfied with what they have, they will be less likely to consume more.) so the only way for corporations to insure they have a constant demand for their supply (and hence, constant income) is to convince the consumer that what he has isn’t enough or as good as what he *could* have (hence the infamous ‘ad-men’ of the 50’s.) additionally, not only is the consumer convinced that he should buy more, but that if he doesn’t have the money to buy it, he can buy it on credit (even if he can’t really afford to do so – hence the shady mortgage brokers and credit card companies of the 80’s and 90’s.) the only people who are going to make money this way are the cold-hearted, machiavellian individuals who will do whatever it takes to make the most.

i realize that i'm leaving out several factors, such as cheap goods flooding the import market, the unholy cost of healthcare (one cannot argue that if gm and chrysler didn't have to pay for their employees healthcare they'd save millions of dollars per year,) our 'disposable goods' mentality, etc. but i think this is what’s *really* at the foundation of the economy’s collapse: people convinced that they can have more, that they *should* have more, and corporations staffed by megalomaniacal sociopaths making it possible for those people to obtain more, even if they can’t sustain it.

the late freddie mac c.f.o. david kellerman may have been one of those sociopaths who suddenly found himself up an amazon-sized shit creek without a paddle, but i doubt it. i don’t know the guy from adam, and so i can only speculate on his motives (and that speculation is colored by my belief that all people are really decent at heart.) i think he was just a poor schmo that took over a money-grubbing corporation, guilty of the aforementioned crimes, that was bleeding profit like a gunshot victim, and who, himself, was living at the top of his means (check the house and the neighborhood he was living in…) he was susceptible to society’s insistence to consume more, just like the rest of us, and yet he saw firsthand the repercussions of this consumerism. he had to balance his company’s impending collapse and it’s pr with his family’s accustomed style of living. i cannot imagine the strain he was under. he undoubtedly felt that there was no way out, no light at the end of the tunnel.

so here's the moral of the story, kids: change sucks. facing reality, tightening the belt, shouldering responsibility, and paying the piper sucks. it's hard and it feels like the fires of hell. there will be casualties along the way, some regrettable and tragic, and some for the better. however, there is still hope. we are all learning (again) the lessons of gluttony and excess; we will, as a society, survive, and we may even be better humans for it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

venture capitalism and you!

i may be a day late and a dollar short on this one, but i saved the following link in my gmail inbox for over two months because it bugged me.

i'm finally getting around to venting my thoughts on it, and i'm sure they're not much different than any other web user's.

in case the article is gone or otherwise unreadable, let me break it down for you: Verizon Com. Inc. is accusing companies like Google and Yahoo of "freeloading" on networks they've spent billions of dollars creating. to quote John Thorne, a senior VP at Verizon: "(Google, Yahoo) is enjoying a free lunch that should, by any rational account, be the lunch of the facilities providers." essentially, Thorne wants Google and Yahoo to have to pay to provide Verizon (or AT&T) customers to access their sites.


Mr. Thorne, would you like some cheese to go with that whine? put on your big-girl panties and deal with it. the concept of the internet is not to provide you and companies like yours with a captive audience to whom you can market what you will. (incidentally, i've been to the login and search fields are all but obscured by ads and promotions. who are you to tell me 'what's hot'?)

i did, however, like your comparison of the so-called 'Google utopianism' with 'spiked kool aid'. i liken it more to the red pill and the blue pill (fyi, sir, that's a reference from 'the matrix.' if you haven't already, i suggest you watch it. guess which character i picture you as?) in this internet, you can choose to take the pill which will allow you to see the world as it truly is and decide the course of it for yourself, or you can choose to take the pill which will allow you to slip blissfully unaware into passive consumption, where you accept what the corporations sell you, consume what you're told you to, see and believe only what they show you.

Mr. Thorne, your company is not suffering. while you tout the 'poor me' argument in hopes of overturning so-called 'barriers' enforced by the government, you fail to realize that the true power lies with the consumer. even if, through some magic loophole, your company is able to restrict the content your customers can access through your service, your customers will soon find out that the grass is truly greener on the other side. they will leave you for the pastures of those companies that realize the only way to maintain a customer base is to offer the customer the freedom of true choice, and that includes opting to use the google homepage instead of the service provider's. it sucks for you, but it’s the only way. your customers have paid you to provide them internet service, and if you want to set up a toll booth in the middle of the information superhighway, you’re going to get a lot less traffic.

p.s for those of you who are concerned about maintaining a truly free internet, check out the recent posting by Sen John Kerry (D-MA) on by clicking here.

Monday, March 30, 2009

a day at the beach

ah march, a time of year where (in maine at least) you're thankful for every clear day - even if it's chilly. after a chiropractic appointment in kennebunk today, i decided to take jak to the beach. it's was such a nice day - a shame to waste it riding in the car...

we headed for gooch's beach (it's the largest of the 3 in kennebunk) and there we met lots of other playmates with their bundled-up humans. jak ran with his new friends, dug for clam shells, and scrambled on the rocks. a perfect, clear evening to end the day with.

on the way back to the car we found this guy:

he's strapped into what looks like a lawn chair with an industrial fan and a parachute. unfortunately, i couldn't get my camera phone to work properly so i missed the take off (very loud and impressive.) jak, on the other hand, was not impressed.

Monday, March 23, 2009

how i spent my sunday morning...

comforting my chocolate-stuffed baby! a caveat on the gluten-free chocolate cake: 100% cacao + coco powder = one *really* chocolatey and dense cake! try not to eat more than one helping, especially at bedtime...

101 Cookbooks

You should check this out...
Annabella's "slice of cyberspace"

Her awesomely helpful html stuff notwithstanding, this is a really cool site about some really cool stuff. Makes me want to visit Austrailia!